Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas The Greatest love

Christmas is celebrated throughout the world. Christmas seems to have lost the traditional christian meaning. Emmanuel which means God with us, was proclaimed by Isaiah  in Isaiah 7: 14 well before the birth of Christ. This verse ststes that a virgin shall conceive and give birth and He shall be called Emmanuel.This misunderstood and often unbelieved act of love by God  for his creation, began the devine process, which made it possible for fallen man to be redeemed from their sins. This sacrifice of love started at Christ birth and was finished at his crucifixion and resurrection.
So this Christmas take time to remember what the true meaning of Christmas is. Between shopping and all the festivity, thank God for Emmanuel, God with us. God becoming flesh to save and have a personal relationship with all mankind. Not just on Christmas but every day remember and thank God.
from Brooks Pressure Washing