Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas The Greatest love

Christmas is celebrated throughout the world. Christmas seems to have lost the traditional christian meaning. Emmanuel which means God with us, was proclaimed by Isaiah  in Isaiah 7: 14 well before the birth of Christ. This verse ststes that a virgin shall conceive and give birth and He shall be called Emmanuel.This misunderstood and often unbelieved act of love by God  for his creation, began the devine process, which made it possible for fallen man to be redeemed from their sins. This sacrifice of love started at Christ birth and was finished at his crucifixion and resurrection.
So this Christmas take time to remember what the true meaning of Christmas is. Between shopping and all the festivity, thank God for Emmanuel, God with us. God becoming flesh to save and have a personal relationship with all mankind. Not just on Christmas but every day remember and thank God.
from Brooks Pressure Washing

Monday, October 21, 2013

Browns Summit. Equine Hospital

We started the concrete cleaning
10/21/ 13 on horse hospital in Browns Summit NC . red mudd is tough to get out.
For all your pressure washing needs give us a call, or check us out at

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

Great customer service pays big

We at Brooks Pressure Washing recently was hired to clean and seal a garage floor that was poured with black concrete. The job was what I consider a small job, wash on one day wait for concrete to dry for three days and seal concrete, maybe 8 hours work . After completing project I waited three days and called the owner .  Usually I would have cheked the work myself but the job was in Virginia. The owner e mailed photos,that showed the concrete was white.I knew I had a problem. Moisture from under the concrete was trapped from escaping the surface due to the sealer that I had applied, or the sealer was bad. Either way I knew that the sealer had to be removed.not an easy job on regular concrete.the job is complicated due to the black pigment in the concrete,special strippers such as soy and citrus based strippers need to be used so as not to damage the pigment. After 2 weeks of cleaning and stripping, and several hundred dollars of product and labor the sealer was finally removed with some of the pigment. The concrete needed to dry for three days. I was hoping  that the sealer that I had used was bad and not the moisture barrier.  since I had damaged the color with multiple cleaners, I had to stain and seal the concrete. Another days work. When I was done I noticed roller marks in the stain which should not be noticed when dry. I hoped . The owner said they would call if they had any problems. I never heard from them, which is good news ,when a job is so dissapointing. But this week I received a phone call from the owner who wanted the exterior of his house cleaned. He also said he would reimburse me for some of my expenses on the concrete.
This story showed me that completing a job no matter the cost will pay in dollars and in customer relations, which will result in more recommendations.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Origin of Labor Day

Matthew McGuire first thought of a day to honor labor  in 1882 while serving at the Central Labor Union of New York, as Secretary of the union representing local 344 The International Association Of Machinrst In Patterson NJ

Several municipal ordinances were inacted in 1885 and 18986.
The first state law was IN OREGON ON FEBRUARY 21  1887.
The first labor day was September 5th 1882 in New York city. In 1884 it was the first Monday in September. on June 28th 1894 Congress made the first day of September a national holiday
In 1909 the sunday before Labor Day was adopted as labor sunday and was dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement. This is how we as fellow workers get a holiday. Whether you belong to a union or not you can thank your union friends for your own holiday. Labor Day.
Have a happy and safe holiday
And remember for all your pressure washing needs contact

Friday, August 23, 2013

High pressure cleaning is damaging

High pressure cleaning is not better. When a pressure washer is producing 2000 psi and above, water driven by this much force can and will damage most surfaces. Caution should be used. choosing the appropriate tips can help direct the pressure over a wider surface area which will reduce the risks of pressure damage. I like using a 45 degree tip. Another way to use less pressure and still have great cleaning results is to choose the proper cleaner for the job that is to be cleaner will not clean all jobs. When cleaning surfaces you need to know how the cleaner will react with the stain and also more important how the cleaner will react to the surface. Some cleaners can damage surfaces. If in doubt call a pro. Brooks Pressure Washing we are here to help.
Happy cleaning and be safe

Monday, July 29, 2013

SEO and local business

I have heard alot a about SEO.more people are calling me every day trying to sell or demonstrate how they can help I am sure that these organizations do help, and can increase page rank.especially if you run a online or national business. But does a small service business need a SEO  strategy? I think so but on a smaller scale. I try to post all reviews and reply to them and keep Facebook and twitter updated as well as google. I dont need 5000 page visits a day. I could not handle the traffic. Maybe I am just thinking small.if I get 5 visits a day I can turn 2 jobs not alot of volume but a high sale rate. If anyone has a plan that is structured for a 150 mile radius and can generate sales please contact me at